Pete Skram has been a lifelong cyclist who after a very brief foray into mountain biking in his home state of California in 1995, truly discovered the joys of mountain biking after moving to Colorado in 2005. He has been a longtime member of the Overland Mountain Bike Association and the Diamond Peaks Mountain Bike Patrol, where he met camp co-founders Todd Thibodeau and Rich Vincent through volunteer activities, and as they say, “the rest is history”.
Pete has been involved with the Wyoming Mountain Bike Camps for nearly 10 years and is the organizations “web guy”, responsible for maintaining the website and registration. He is also a BICP Level 1 trained coach and generally helps coach any of the groups of students “that he can keep up with”.
Pete is the current Co-Director of Overland’s Diamond Peaks Mountain Bike Patrol and also handles Data Management for Wyoming Pathways, a biking and walking advocacy nonprofit. He loves volunteering for the camps and seeing kids improve their mountain biking skills over the course of the camps. He is known to argue the point that the coaches are having more fun than the students.