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DATES: June 10-14, 2025 (Noon Tuesday through 3 PM Saturday, Tentative)

LOCATION: Hynds Lodge, Curt Gowdy State Park, Wyoming (map)

COST: $TBD + registration site fees. Scholarships are available for those students in financial need.

AGE GROUP: Students ages 12-17 years old (generally entering grades 7-12 for the 2025-26 school year).

FOOD: Meals and food will be provided from dinner on Tuesday June 10 through lunch on Saturday June 14. Please let us know ahead of time if you have any dietary restrictions.

WHAT TO BRING: Basics – Bike, helmet, appropriate mountain biking attire and shoes (closed toe shoes), casual clothing, towel, swimsuit, a willingness to learn, and a great attitude. For a more extensive list of what to bring, download the list from our Downloads page.

RULES: The Colorado High School Cycling League general student-athlete rules, equipment, and codes of conduct are used as a basis for the camp rules. Rules will be posted and enforced. Parents and students are required to submit a signed acknowledgement that they have read and accept the rules.

REGISTRATION:  Registration opens mid-February, 2025.

*A limited number of full and partial scholarships will be available, so if you need financial support for your student contact Rich at as soon as possible.

Covid-19/Related Viruses

The Covid-19 epidemic continues to be a fluctuating situation and we will update our Covid policy as warranted.

Our primary concern is for the safety and welfare of all camp attendees. While we do not anticipate any issues, our Covid policy will continue to be made in coordination with members of the medical community and comply with Wyoming and CDC requirements. We encourage all camp attendees (adult volunteers and students) to be vaccinated for Covid. Please understand Covid is a constantly changing situation and flexibility will be key for all planning. Thanks for understanding.

2025 Camp Description

The Stone Temple Camp is a five-day mountain bike camp, from June 10-14, 2025 (tentative), at Curt Gowdy State Park for co-ed students of all abilities, ages 12 through 17 years of age. Students will arrive at noon on Tuesday June 10 and depart at 3 PM on Saturday June 14. Ride sessions will be based on a skill level and fitness. The camp will also include education sessions on topics important to mountain bikers, such as bike maintenance, environmental and trail ethics, trail design-construction-maintenance, nutrition, and first aid.

Students will stay at Hynd’s Lodge or camp nearby. Ride sessions will be on the IMBA Epic trails at Curt Gowdy State Park. Food will be provided from dinner on June 10 through lunch on June 14. There will be a minimum of one adult leader per five students. Optional evening activities may include campfire, star gazing, evening hikes, and mountain bike related presentations.

Scholarships are available. Please contact us at if you need to apply for a scholarship based on financial need. A limited number of full and partial scholarships will be available.

* A limited number of bikes are available for participants who do not have a bike. Please contact the camp directors as soon as possible to make arrangements.

2025 Camp Schedule (Actual Schedule TBD)


Sample Camp Schedule:

Camp Day 1

12 – 1 PM – Sign in and Orientation

1 – 2 PM – Bike/Equipment Inspection

2 – 5 PM – Check/Organize students into groups based on skill level and Ride

5 – 6 PM – Debrief, Free Time & Prepare for Dinner

6 – 10 PM – Dinner, Cleanup & Evening Activities

10 PM – Lights Out


Camp Day 2

7 – 8 AM – Yoga/Stretching

8 – 9 AM – Breakfast, Cleanup & Prepare for Ride

9 – 10 AM – Education/Skill Session

10 AM – 12 PM – Ride Session

12 – 1 PM – Lunch

1 – 2 PM – Education/Skill Session

2 – 4 PM – Ride Session

4 – 6 PM – Education Session and Prepare for Dinner

6 – 10 PM – Dinner, Cleanup & Evening Activities

10 PM – Lights Out


Camp Day 3

7 – 8 AM – Yoga/Stretching

8 – 9 AM – Breakfast, Cleanup & Prepare for Ride

9 – 10 AM – Education/Skill Session

10 AM – 12 PM – Ride Session

12 – 1 PM – Lunch

1 – 4 PM – Ride Session

4 – 6 PM – Education Session and Prepare for Dinner

6 – 10 PM – Dinner, Cleanup & Evening Activities

10 PM – Lights Out


Camp Day 4

7 – 8 AM – Yoga/Stretching

8 – 9 AM – Breakfast, Cleanup & Prepare for Ride

9 – 10 AM – Education or Skill Session

10 AM – 12 PM – Ride Session

12 – 1 PM – Lunch

1 – 2 PM – Skill or Ride Session

2 – 4 PM – Ride Session

4 – 6 PM – Education Session and Prepare for Dinner

6 – 10 PM – Dinner, Cleanup & Evening Activities

10 PM – Lights Out


Camp Day 5

7 – 8 AM – Yoga/Stretching

8 – 9 AM – Breakfast, Cleanup & Prepare for Ride

9 – 10 AM – Education or Skill Session

10 AM – 12:30 PM – Ride Session

12:30 – 1:30 PM – Lunch

1:30 –3 PM – Clean Lodge/Camping Area

3 PM – Student Pick-up (If you would like to pick up your student before 3 PM you must work this out with Todd and/or Rich ahead of time. All students are expected to help clean the camp/lodge area.)


Rich VincentView Bio

Todd ThibodeauView Bio

CONTACT: For additional information contact Rich Vincent, 307-760-1917, Todd Thibodeau, 307-214-5687, or e-mail us at

Refund Policy

> If Wyoming Mountain Bike Camps, Inc. (WYMTB) is required to cancel one or more of the mountain bike camps, students for those camps will receive a 100% refund.

> If a student is unable to attend the camp for any reason (i.e., injury, illness, conflict, etc.) and the cancellation request is received after May 7th (of the year the registration is purchased) no refund will be issued [at the discretion of the board: 1) a partial refund may be issued; or 2) a deferment of the camp fee towards one of our MTB camps the following year may be allowed].

> If a student is unable to attend the camp for any reason (i.e., injury, illness, conflict, etc.) and the cancellation request is received on or before May 7th of the year the registration is purchased, then the refund options are:

  1. WYMTB will provide a 50% refund of the WYMTB registration fee, not including the registration provider fees and taxes* (this applies only to the year the camp registration is purchased); or
  2. You may use 100% of the camp fee towards another camp during the same year the registration is purchased, if any openings remain available; or

3. WYMTB will defer 100% of the camp fee to a camp the following year (deferring the registration to the following year voids the option to refund registration fees).

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